Thursday, October 15, 2009

Stolen Dreams

DREAM. I believe when we were kids, we all had some sort of dream that we hoped to accomplish one day. We dreamt of having the new toy or gadget in town, of growing up to be independent so our parents would not boss us around, and many others. We dreamed of things that seemed insane to others but to us, it was a dream with hope and passion that would come to pass one day. However, as we grew up, we disregarded some of those dreams because we realize it was vain or we could dream for bigger things. Homeless children, living in the slums of some third world countries might have dreams as ours when we were kids but unfortunately, they are dreaming of things that our parents dreamt for us when we were children. Their dream is to have a cozy home where they would not have to worry about bug bites, how cold it gets at nights, what to eat when they wake up and a place full of hope. A place that they would be assured that everything is okay and would be, so they should keep being children in order to blossom to be a beautiful flower for their community, and the world  in the future.

Aside from these dreams, these children may also have bigger dreams of becoming SOMEBODY. Unfortunately, it has become hard to trust organizations that claim to be helping children in such conditions but if one is strong minded about helping these kids, he would amend the wrongs. I also believe that not everyone is rich enough to go directly to a particular place where these children are suffering and help them but there are other trustworthy organizations that are indeed helping such children. With vigorous research and compassion, one can reach out to these children no matter the circumstances. Additionally, these children are watching eveything going on around them, and are learning from such experiences. Therefore, by helping them, we educate them not only to love and care for people they know but everyone. When they grow up in the future and encounter someone going through similar situation they were in, they would also reach out their hands to them because they would remember what we did for them when no one was there to help. On a last note, with them seeing their dreams become vain, they may end up dreaming of things that would not be good for themselves as well as the world as a whole.